
Video Production

From a short consultation we conceptualize visual stories through film to elevate branding identity for companies with integrity looking to establish a global presence. In order to be an influence in the industry we highly recommend utilizing film content to interact with a targeted audience. 

Our hyper-efficient film production process has been developed by Shay Motion in 15 years of filmmaking, allowing us to produce a year's worth of video content in a month's timeframe. We use broadcast quality camera equipment to achieve a production value that offers our clientele the best bang for the buck. Our areas of expertise are in:


  • Short/Feature Length Documentaries

  • Social Media Videos

  • TV Commercials

  • Live Event Audio/Video Recording

  • Culinary Shows, Restaurant Features

  • Real Estate Walkthroughs

  • Web Series

  • Tutorials, Webinars

  • Live Streaming

  • Educational Courses

  • Podcast Production

Brand Development

Having an appealing brand is crucial to the success of a business. Consumers not only want to see a brand that they can identify with but also want to be part of a culture that is ever evolving. The visionary appeal allows consumers to see a brand that has a futuristic mindset, and will sustain a positive impact for the industry they are involved in. Utilizing social media, we create trends with an artistic style, allowing information to spread organically. 

Our expertise is in understanding the trends of society and generating impactful media for a brand that increase consumer confidence and loyalty over an extended period of time. We focus deeply into strategizing marketing plans that identify the targeted audience and drive traffic directly towards the brand, building a fan base in order to produce desired results. Our Creative Branding Services include:

  • Google SEO Marketing

  • Social Media Content & Campaign Development

  • Custom Graphics, Logo Design, Infographics

  • High-Resolution Photography

  • Print Material Graphic Design

  • E-Mail Campaign Management

Website Development

  • Custom Designed Websites based on Business Needs

  • Full-Stack Development for E-Commerce Platforms

  • Google Search Engine Optimization

  • Diagnostics of Website with Google Webmaster Tools

  • Google Analytics Tracking

  • Custom Blog and Content Creation

  • Implementation of Stock Images, and Business Images

  • Regular Website Maintenance

  • Quarterly Progress Reports


Software Engineering

Certified in Full-Stack Software Engineering, Shay has expressed his diversity of unique skills with website development, as it pertains to a business setting. Having worked for several large tech firms primarily in the field of healthcare over the past 9 years, Shay has gained advanced knowledge of the development of programming using frameworks such as React/REDUX, HTML/Javascript/CSS as a frontend framework with Ruby on Rails as a backend database. Shay is a practitioner of software development, as well as a consultant for businesses strategizing to expand upon their proprietary technologies in the digital space.

Some of these services include:

  • Customized mobile-ready IOS/Web/Android application development of interactive programs with secure & encrypted backend database

  • Modern design of User-Interface/User-Experience with animated buttons and graphics

  • User Login and Signup functionality with user profile information

  • Programming in languages and frameworks such as React/Redux, HTML/Javascript/CSS, Ruby on Rails

  • Scalable for any size user base with client-server development, utilizing tools such as Amazon Web Services for hosting

  • Confidential third-party user authentication with manageable user accounts, user roles, login/signup functionality

  • E-Commerce integration for products/services sales

  • Test-Driven Development, Unit Testing

  • Software audits, upgrades and security testing


Digital Graphics

Consumers are much more engaged through visual content than written material and the trend continues as the social media audience grows to become a worldwide community. Graphics benefit a company by solidifying a brand and providing visual information to jam-pack ideas for consumers to understand the model of a business' product and/or service.

Our extensive research in social media has allowed us to understand what captivates consumers and how we can generate organic results through artistic visual media. The services we offer include:

  • Branding & Logo Development

  • Infographics

  • Animation

  • Print Materials

  • High-Resolution Photography

  • Digital Memes for Social Media


Social Media Management

Maintaining an interactive role in social media can be even more than a full-time position. A targeted audience needs to be constantly reminded of a company's presence, and with the overload of information online it's becoming more and more difficult to truly stand out in the crowd. Being social not only means posting content but also engaging in a close relationship with the fan base.

As a company's following grows, it becomes increasing challenging as social media algorithms can detect sincerity or aloofness in marketing strategy.

Our expertise is in maintaining communities in social media through film and visual content that allows consumers to obsess over the original content being generated through a brand. Once a community is developed, a company can maintain it's revenue through constant interactive promotions with the visual media that's being produced.

Services include: 

  • Facebook Pixel, Twitter & Instagram Management

  • Video and Article Blogging

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Website Development

  • Promotional Content via Shay Motion Networks


Startup Consulting

It truly takes a team of intellectuals to create a business model with an appealing brand that has the potential to sustain itself over a long period of time. Many startups fail in the beginning stages because the groundwork and strategy was not properly laid out in terms that give the business concept a structure it truly deserves. In an ever-evolving industry, markets change hands in an instance, and that's why it's crucial for a business to properly lay out the foundation before servicing the community. 

As our company felt the stresses of the startup phase, we've learned the hard way that structure is fundamentally the most important factor in organizing an entity. At first, we thought we should focus our attention on sales, but we quickly realized without structure we cannot sell our services for what they are truly worth. This is why we have focused our attention to providing services through our experiences we feel necessary to share with our clientele so that a company can skip the hardships that we've encountered. Our services include:

  • Sustainable Business Model Structuring

  • SWOT Analysis

  • Investor Presentations

  • Financial Analysis, Projections

  • Strategizing for Cost Efficiency

  • Strategizing for E-Commerce Solutions